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Infrastructure Projects

Sunwah has invested in a number of infrastructure projects:

  • The 16 km-Guangzhou-Zhuhai Highway Zhongshan section started operation in 1992. It has greatly reduced the heavy vehicular traffic between Guangzhou, Panyu, Zhongshan and Shenzhen.
  • The Jiangxi Gao Bridge Tollway is 40 km in length, and stretches from Wenjiazhen to Jieshanling. The Tollway forms a part of National Highway 320 running eastward to Zhejiang Province.
  • The Wuhan Tollways project consists of the Daihuang and Hanshi Highways, which are 25 km and 22 km in length, respectively. The Daihuang Highway stretches from Wuhan northward to Huangpi, an intersection leading to the provinces of Anhui, Henan, and Shandong. The Hanshi Highway stretches from Wuhan to Shigang, heading north-east to Henan and Anhui. The Wuhan Tollways project commenced operation at the beginning of 2001.
  • The 7.2 km Huangpen Road Bridge in Zhejiang, which opened in 1997, serves as a main entry route from National Highway 330 to Lanxi City. The project also includes the development of nearby approach roads and facilities.
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